Neck Pain Symptoms That Require Immediate Medical Attention | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

Neck Pain Symptoms That Require Immediate Medical Attention
Neck Pain Symptoms That Require Immediate Medical Attention


Neck pain is not typically a cause for panic, as you can treat many symptoms with simple measures such as rest, stretching, ice/heat therapy, over-the-counter medications, and ergonomics. However, there are some instances of neck pain when you should seek medical attention immediately. Here are two:

Stiff Neck with A Severe Headache or Fever

If your neck is stiff, and you also have a fever and/or an especially painful headache, you could have meningitis.

Meningitis, in its most dangerous form, is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation in the brain and spinal cord. Early warning signs of meningitis may include fever (high body temperature, chills, body aches), an intense headache, and an inability to flex the neck forward. A stiff neck doesn’t always occur when meningitis is present, so look for other possible symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to sound or light.

Meningitis symptoms usually develop within a few days of exposure. Getting meningitis treated early is critical; delaying treatment poses a severe risk for hearing loss, brain damage, and even death.

Experiencing a stiff neck, fever, and bad headache all at once doesn’t always signal meningitis, but if you display these symptoms, it is recommended you visit a doctor right away.

Neck Pain with Persistent Arm/Hand Numbness or Weakness

Do you have neck pain that radiates to your shoulder, arm, or finger with a pins-and-needles, weakening or numbing sensation? These symptoms may suggest cervical radiculopathy.

Cervical radiculopathy means that a nerve root in your cervical spine is compressed, inflamed, or damaged. The issue most often occurs because of a nearby bone spur or herniated disc that is caused by degenerative changes in your neck. Less commonly, cervical radiculopathy indicates an infection or tumor.

Cervical radiculopathy pain typically is felt in just one side of the body. The pain may also take on a burning or shock-like quality, and your grip may feel weaker. Your reflexes may also be affected.

If you show cervical radiculopathy symptoms, see your doctor. He or she may perform a physical examination, review your medical history, and possibly conduct imaging studies or other advanced diagnostic tests.

These two examples don’t form a comprehensive list, as other neck pain symptoms may require immediate medical attention. You should also seek urgent care if your neck pain is accompanied by problems with coordination or bowel/bladder control.

When in doubt, call your doctor to see if troubling signs or symptoms need to be checked. Getting an accurate diagnosis early may lead to more effective treatments and better outcomes.

Precision Pain Care and Rehabilitation has two convenient locations in Richmond Hill – Queens and New Hyde Park – Long Island. Call the Richmond Hill office at (718) 215-1888, or (516) 419-4480 for Long Island office, to arrange an appointment with our Interventional Pain Management Specialist, Dr. Jeffrey Chacko.

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