Health And Wellness: What Is CBD And Types Of It | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

Health And Wellness: What Is CBD And Types Of It
Health And Wellness: What Is CBD And Types Of It


Cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound found in the cannabis plant. Various types of CBD are available, including full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate. Many companies have also started to sell CBD oils, gummies, topicals, and other forms of CBD for a wide range of potential uses.

Types of CBD

CBD is a chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not produce a high feeling after use.

Companies that manufacture CBD products use different methods to extract the compound from the plant. The varying diffusions result in a range of CBD types.

There are three types of CBD, containing different compounds and concentrations:

  • Full-spectrum: Includes all parts of the cannabis plant. Full-spectrum products contain less than <0.3% THC.
  • Broad-spectrum: This contains most of the cannabis plant compounds. Unlike full-spectrum, broad-spectrum products contain trace amounts of THC.
  • Isolates: Only contain CBD, with no other cannabinoids or THC. Products that contain isolated CBD may not produce any notable effects.

According to research, both full-spectrum and broad-spectrum CBD can produce clinical responses when people use them. The results may not be due strictly to CBD. Instead, a person may experience what is known as the entourage effect; this occurs when several compounds combine to cause clinical effects. As such, CBD products may only work because of a combination of compounds from different ingredients.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that a person should consider the potential risks before using CBD for any reason. For example, people who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid THC.

Federal law allows the use of CBD containing less than 0.3% THC. However, not all states allow the sale of CBD. A person should check their local laws before obtaining CBD.

The FDA does not regulate any other claims of benefits. It states that several CBD products make misleading claims about the use of their products. People should use caution before ordering any type of CBD. The FDA can investigate health claims and safety concerns.

A person should look for independently tested products. Some companies provide a Certificate of Analysis (COA), which shows what is in the supplements.

CBD terminology

The table below summarizes common terms when discussing CBD:

CBD – A compound within the C. sativa plant that does not create the high sensation individuals commonly associate with cannabis use.

THC – A compound in the C. sativa plant. It is the psychoactive compound that creates a high sensation from cannabis use.

Full-spectrum – A full-spectrum product will contain all of the natural compounds in the cannabis plant, including THC. However, THC levels must be no more than 0.3% to comply with Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation on full-spectrum CBD products.

Broad-spectrum – Broad-spectrum products contain natural compounds of the cannabis plant. However, while manufacturers remove all or most of the THC in broad-spectrum CBD, it may still be present in trace amounts.

CBD isolate – This is the purest form of CBD and should contain 0% THC.

Cannabinoids – The compounds within the cannabis plant, of which there are over 120. CBD is the second richest compound in the plant after THC.

Terpenes – Another compound of the C. sativa plant, terpenes typically give plants their specific aromas. Some terpenes, such as limonene, may have specific health benefits.

Certificate of analysis (COA) – Reputable manufacturers of CBD products should ensure a COA is available for inspection. A COA provides information on the third-party testing that independent labs conduct on a particular product. Sometimes, products have a scannable smartphone code directing people to the COA online.

How We Chose

Medical News Today chooses products that meet the following criteria:

  • Ingredients: MNT chooses products containing safe and high-quality clearly labeled ingredients. They should also confirm they are free from pesticides, heavy metals, and mold.
  • Dosage: MNT chooses products that must clearly state the CBD dosage.
  • Serving size: MNT selects products in which manufacturers recommend a dosage.
  • Third-party labs: MNT chooses products that must undergo third-party testing for contaminants by an ISO 17025-compliant laboratory.
  • Available certificate of analysis: MNT chooses companies that demonstrate transparency and share a product’s certificate of analysis (COA) following receipt of its third-party lab results.

Forms Of CBD Products

CBD products come in three different forms. The main types of CBD products include:

  • oils
  • gummies and edibles
  • topicals, such as creams, lotions, ointments, and balms

CBD is also available in many other forms, including capsules and pills, vaping liquid, mist sprays, and more. Some companies also produce CBD products for pets.

Below are product options for different forms and types of CBD.

CBD Oils

CBD oil manufacturers often direct users to place it under the tongue and then swallow it. The dose, potency, and price can vary depending on the brand. Dosing can start as low as 5 or 10 milligrams (mg).

A person should follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely.

Best range of CBD oil flavors and strengths: FABCBD Oil

FABCBD offers CBD oils in different strengths and flavors. Customers can choose from vanilla, natural, berry, citrus, and mint flavors. Once the person has selected the flavor, they can choose the strength they want. They range from 300 mg to 2,400 mg.

The CBD oil is third-party tested. The company warns that high-strength options may cause positive drug test results.

This CBD oil:

  • contains less than 0.3% THC
  • comes from farms in Colorado
  • does not contain pesticides
  • is organic
  • is full-spectrum

The brand claims that its CBD oil may help with stress, focus, and recovery from exercise.

Safety And Health Considerations

Scientists do not know much about the long-term safety of using CBD products. The FDA warns that current data points to potential risks with taking CBD, which they are still investigating.

However, a review of studies published in 2020 found that participants in studies generally tolerated CBD with minimal side effects. They also noted that potency and doses varied significantly between studies, making it difficult to determine the effective dose for conditions.

Side effects noted in different studies included:

  • tiredness
  • changes in weight or appetite
  • diarrhea

CBD may provide several health benefits. According to a 2018 study, CBD may help with:

  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • chronic pain
  • allergies or asthma
  • anxiety and depression
  • epilepsy and other seizure disorders
  • migraine and headaches
  • arthritis or joint pain
  • nausea
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • cancer
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • multiple sclerosis (MS)

It is important to note that CBD is not a reliable treatment or cure for any of the above conditions. Research into CBD benefits and risks is ongoing.

The FDA has only approved the use of one CBD product for treatment purposes. In 2018, they approved the use of Epidiolex to treat seizures in three different conditions. A person needs a valid prescription from their doctor to obtain the medication.

Frequently Asked Questions About Types Of CBD

The following are some common questions about CBD:

Is CBD addictive?

CBD contains up to 0.3% of THC, the psychoactive property that may lead to addiction.

While CBD is unlikely to cause addiction, it may have addictive properties. People who have experienced CBD addiction should discuss appropriate use and the benefits and risks of using these products with a healthcare professional.

Which CBD Products Are Best To Start With?

People should always use the lowest possible dose of CBD and gradually increase the amount they use until they reach their desired effect.

Additionally, people may wish to consider the type of CBD they use. Full-spectrum CBD contains up to 0.3% THC, whereas broad-spectrum CBD contains trace amounts of this compound. CBD isolate only contains CBD without any THC.

Finally, people should consider the form of CBD product they purchase. CBD is available as a topical or ingestible product. Topical products may offer more targeted relief, such as from aches and pains, whereas ingestible CBD may be more beneficial for other wellness concerns.

Will CBD Make Me Tired?

Yes, CBD can make a person feel tired. Drowsiness or sleepiness is one possible side effect of CBD.

A person should notice feeling less tired if they stop taking CBD.

Which CBD Strain Is Best For Anxiety?

CBD is not an FDA-approved treatment for anxiety.

However, research in both animal studies and human trials shows that CBD may reduce anxiety. It is important to note that research into CBD’s effects on anxiety is new, and studies still need to determine how effective CBD is, the appropriate dosage, and the long-term safety of this therapy.

Which Form Of CBD Is Most Effective?

The most effective form of CBD may depend on what a person uses it for.

Topical CBD, such as salves, may be more effective for targeted relief. Oral CBD, such as gummies and oils, may provide more general effects.


CBD is available in isolate, broad-spectrum, and full-spectrum varieties. Different product forms are available, including topicals, oils, gummies, and more.

The CBD industry is not regulated, so people must use caution when selecting the CBD product they want. People considering CBD products for treating health issues should speak to a doctor for advice and recommendations.

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