Pain Management | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • 6 Steps to Get Pain Relief with Physical Therapy and Exercise

    6 Steps to Get Pain Relief with Physical Therapy and Exercise

    The use of some type of physical therapy or exercise is integral to almost all forms of back and neck pain treatment. Sometimes physical therapy and exercise are the first lines of treatment, other times it may help manage chronic pain or provide rehabilitation after surgery. But did you know that both gentle back exercise and physical therapy play a vital role in relieving pain? Physical therapy and exercise are perhaps the most mainstream of all non-surgical treatments for back pain and neck pain. And unlike other conservative treatments (medication, injections, etc.), physical therapy can also help prevent and/or lessen future recurrences of back pain or neck pain. Below are 6 steps you can take to get pain relief from incorporating physical therapy or another kind of exercise into your routine.

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  • Bad Mattress or Bad Back? Facet Arthritis Symptoms

    Bad Mattress or Bad Back? Facet Arthritis Symptoms

    Do I have to get out of bed? - Can’t stand up straight without wincing in pain? Neck so stiff you can barely move it? Is twisting to get in or out of the car an awkward, painful dance? Neck and back pain can be annoying. It might be a sign of a simple muscle spasm or ligament strain, but persistent neck or back pain can also be caused by a more serious condition, such as arthritis of the facet joints.

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  • Understanding Cartilage, Joints, and the Aging Process

    Understanding Cartilage, Joints, and the Aging Process

    What is osteoarthritis? A lifetime of walking, exercising, and moving can take a toll on your cartilage — the smooth, rubbery connective tissue covering the ends of bones. The degeneration of cartilage can cause chronic inflammation in the joints, which may lead to arthritis. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. OA is also known as degenerative joint disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 30 million adults in the United States have OA. That makes OA one of the leading causes of disability in adults.

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  • Everyday Ways to Heal Yourself

    Everyday Ways to Heal Yourself

    The little things we do every day to stay healthy really add up. The healthier your habits, the easier it will be to help keep your back and neck healthy and minimize painful episodes.

    Sit less - Sitting is stressful for your spine. Recent health news is buzzing about how sitting too much can cause early death. Consider getting a sit-to-stand desk at work. At the very least make sure you are getting up and walking around every 30 minutes.

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  • Tips for Preventing Arthritis in the Hands (Part 2)

    Tips for Preventing Arthritis in the Hands (Part 2)

    There is no known cure for arthritis. In fact, most treatments for arthritis are aimed at early recognition and prevention. Genetics can increase your likelihood of developing arthritis, as can a strong family history of the disease. Women are also more prone to arthritis than men. You may try to prevent arthritis and still develop the disease. However, you can take actions to reduce your risk:
    1. Maintain a healthy weight. This can help to fight off OA.
    2. Don’t smoke, or quit smoking. This may reduce your chance of developing RA.
    3. Try to avoid injury when playing sports or participating in recreational activities.
    4. If your job requires a lot of pushing, pulling, or lifting of heavy objects, take precautions to avoid injury to your joints.
    5. If your job calls for a lot of typing, practice good posture. If necessary, get a special keyboard, wrist cushion, or pad.

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  • Facts And Tips about PRP Injection for Back Pain

    Facts And Tips about PRP Injection for Back Pain

    Having a sore back is one of the most common reasons why American visit a doctor. And every year, our nation coughs up $80 billion for treatments. Plus, for back pain, surgery is not only discouraged, but it’s often ineffective. (Research suggests patients who undergo surgery for back pain will often end up having to do more surgery.) This is because doctors can only guess what’s going on. Colorful MRI will show a lot of suspects. But in the end, they’re just that — suspects. Correcting each one of them, hoping it will reduce the pain is fruitless.

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  • Caring for Someone with Back Pain

    Caring for Someone with Back Pain

    Is someone in your life suffering from back pain? While it is disconcerting to see a loved one in pain, there are things you can do to help them gain control of their pain as they progress through rehabilitation. If you're the one with back pain, consider forwarding this blog to a loved one who can help you out. The social buttons above are an easy way to share the article via social media networks. The tips here outline how friends, family members, and colleagues can make simple changes that show the person with back pain that you do understand and want to help them.

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  • Tips for Preventing Arthritis in the Hands

    Tips for Preventing Arthritis in the Hands

    You likely know someone who has arthritis — or perhaps you have it yourself. Arthritis is a common condition. It has wide-ranging effects on multiple areas of the body and can involve any major joint. It most commonly affects the larger joints of the extremities, such as Wrists, Fingers, Knees, Hips, Ankles. However, arthritis can affect any joint in your body.

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  • Platelet-Rich Plasma For Shoulder Pain

    Platelet-Rich Plasma For Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder injuries may not be the most talked about sports injury but it’s one of the common ones that often result in long-term consequences. Most shoulder injuries are Rotator Cuff related and that is one of the most complex segments of our physical anatomy. Physical therapy is the well-trodden route. All shoulder treatments start there. We are not talking about trips to the gym — that won’t help. The rotator cuff is small and serves a variety of functions. Typical physical therapy includes gentle pressing with the hand.

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  • Practice Yoga for a Happier Back

    Practice Yoga for a Happier Back

    Yoga is an ancient practice that unites the body, mind, and spirit through physical and mental exercises. Many back pain patients incorporate yoga into their treatment plan because of the physical and mental (relaxation) benefits they receive from the practice. Though they vary in method and practice, each style of yoga is grounded in three main components: 1. Body posture, 2. Breathing, 3. Meditation

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