Physical Therapy | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York

  • Chiropractic Adjustments For The Neck Region

    Chiropractic Adjustments For The Neck Region

    Manipulation of the cervical spine or neck region is a common technique utilized by doctors of chiropractic for many patients complaining of neck, upper back, and shoulder/arm pain, as well as headaches. Similar to the treatment for many conditions affecting the lower back, chiropractic is considered a first line of treatment for a range of cervical spine conditions.

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  • Therapy For Releasing Myofascial Tension

    Therapy For Releasing Myofascial Tension

    Myofascial release (MFR) therapy focuses on releasing muscular shortness and tightness. There are several conditions and symptoms that myofascial release therapy addresses. Many patients seek myofascial treatment after losing flexibility or function following an injury or if experiencing ongoing back, shoulder, hip, or virtual pain in any area containing soft tissue.

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  • Myofascial Therapy For Managing Acute And Chronic Pain

    Myofascial Therapy For Managing Acute And Chronic Pain

    Myofascial therapy relieves soft tissue restrictions that cause pain. Some causes of chronic myofascial pain or low back pain are easier to diagnose than others: trauma (such as a car accident or fall), cumulative posture misalignment or mechanical deficits, a compressed nerve from a herniated disc, or inflammatory conditions.

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  • Precise Manual Techniques for Physical Therapy

    Precise Manual Techniques for Physical Therapy

    Before beginning manual therapy or any type of physical therapy, the practitioner usually performs a full assessment of the blood and nerve supply in the area, as well as a bone and muscle assessment, in order to decide whether or not there is an increased risk of complications from the use of these back pain management techniques.

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  • What Leads To Discomfort On The Left Side Of The Neck?

    What Leads To Discomfort On The Left Side Of The Neck?

    Soreness on the left side of your neck typically results from injury. However, some underlying conditions can cause neck pain. Pain on the left side of the neck can be due to any number of causes, from muscle strains to a pinched nerve. Most causes aren’t serious. A sore neck is likely due to sleeping in an odd position or holding your neck at an angle that stresses the muscles and tendons on that side. In many cases, the pain on the left side of your neck will subside on its own or with over-the-counter pain relievers and rest. See a doctor if your pain is severe, is due to a recent injury, or if it lasts for more than a week.

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  • Physical Therapy by Hand for Pain Relief

    Physical Therapy by Hand for Pain Relief

    Many patients arrive at their first physical therapy appointment expecting to receive hot packs, ultrasounds, and instructions on how to complete a series of exercises. These modalities are warranted in many instances and most therapists would agree that exercise is needed to help restore muscle imbalances. However, many therapists now approach the restoration of function from a different perspective.

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  • Exercises Targeting Low Back Pain

    Exercises Targeting Low Back Pain

    Physical therapy for lower back pain comprises a combination of strengthening, stretching, and core-building exercises that aim to: Activate and train the muscles surrounding the spine to provide better support and stability to the lower back, Foster healing in the spinal tissues to reduce pain, improve balance, and restore mobility. The exercise regimen typically starts with fewer repetitions and sets, working up to more repetitions as strength begins to build in the lower back.

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  • Performing Exercises for Lower Back Pain Relief

    Performing Exercises for Lower Back Pain Relief

    Physical therapy and exercise for lower back pain generate meaningful results when performed at a slow and steady pace. Continuing the therapeutic exercises at this pace helps the body get accustomed to improved posture and overall wellness—preventing further injury. Guidelines to Start a Lower Back Exercise Program - The following set of guidelines can help achieve the desirable short- and long-term results of physical therapy, stay consistent with the program, and reduce exercise-related aches and pains.

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  • Arthritis In The Elbow And Recovery Through Physical Therapy

    Arthritis In The Elbow And Recovery Through Physical Therapy

    The elbow is a critical joint in the upper extremity. Without it, we would not be able to get some of our most basic needs met, such as feeding ourselves, brushing our teeth, or putting a shirt on. It is the link that allows us to bring our hands to our faces or to reach for a shelf to grasp an object. So, when that joint is affected by arthritis, it can be a major problem.

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  • Physical Therapy For Alleviating Low Back Discomfort

    Physical Therapy For Alleviating Low Back Discomfort

    Most types of lower back pain are often referred to physical therapy as one of the first-line treatments. Physical therapy for low back pain includes guided therapeutic exercises that strengthen the lower back muscles and condition the spinal tissues and joints. The short- and long-term goals of physical therapy for back pain typically include the following: 1. Decrease painful symptoms in the lower back and/or leg, 2. Improve low back function to tolerate daily activities as independently as possible, 3. Increase the spine’s flexibility and improve its range of motion, 4. Formulate a maintenance program to prevent the recurrence of back problems

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