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| Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York
Pain Management | Stem Cell, PRP, Acupuncture in Queens & Long Island, New York
Do you feel stiffness and pain in your neck and back after work? Millions of people do. But you don’t have to agonize every day at the office. A big part of the solution is to say no to slouching. Sadly many people don’t know what it takes to maintain a good posture throughout the workday.
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Have you ever heard someone complain that their joints hurt when the weather shifts? It’s not a myth—pain from weather changes really do happen. There are three weather changes that can make your joints ache: pressure changes, temperature drops, and humidity.
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Been awhile since you last ate? Feeling a little nauseas, with a thumping headache? That’s common. When you skip a meal, diet too rigorously, or fast, your body’s glucose level drops. Glucose is the sugar that keeps your body functioning, and when your blood-sugar level drops, you tend to feel fatigued, weak, shaky, and sometimes headachy.
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Depending on how your spine is curved, you could be causing a lot of stiffness and pain in your back and neck while you sleep. Stomach-sleepers are the most likely to throw their spine out of alignment, but it can happen for back-sleepers and side-sleepers too.
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Does your head hurt after you drink? There are two times when alcohol can cause a headache. The first is right after you drink—about 30 minutes to 3 hours after, to be specific. The second is the morning after when the hangover starts.
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Cheese lovers, take note -- your favorite food may be the reason for all those headaches. Aged cheese, such as blue cheese, cheddar, parmesan, and Swiss contain high amounts of a substance called tyramine.
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Video games that simulate the motions of popular sports can result in real sports injuries. Doctors say overzealous gaming can cause everything from sprains to torn ligaments and broken bones.
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Many people set their car seats at the wrong angle. If the seat is reclined, you may slouch forward to grip the steering wheel. This pulls your head away from the headrest and can cause neck pain.
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Your wallet can be a real pain in the back and the buttocks, and it can even lead to shooting pains down one leg. Tucked in a back pocket, it may lead to compression and irritation of the sciatic nerve day after day. A fat wallet may also put the spine slightly out of alignment, causing muscle tension.
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Do you have a phone that lets you text, surf the web, and play games?
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